Rural Municipality of Eastern Kings (RMEK) Bylaws
The Rural Municipality of Eastern Kings established under this bylaw grant programs for groups and individuals who offer programs, activities and services in the interest of the municipality or for any purpose that the Council considers to be in the interests of the municipality. See Details Below:
Section 180 of the Municipal Government Act sets out the general jurisdiction to pass bylaws and provide services for municipal purposes. This general jurisdiction gives broad authority to municipalities to develop bylaws that are specific to each municipality. The bylaw making powers of a Council also include the power to amend or repeal bylaws.
The Municipal Emergency Management Program Bylaw can be found on the Emergency Management page.
The Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw can be found on the Development page.
The following are bylaws currently in force in the Rural Municipality of Eastern Kings:
Bylaw to Regulate Proceedings
of Council
The Bylaw to Regulate Proceedings of Council is required under Section 86(2)(e) of the Municipal Government Act and is known as the Procedural Bylaw; it applies to all members of the Council, the Chief Administrative Officer, members of Council committees, municipal employees, those who appear before Council and members of the general public.
Code of Conduct for Members
of Council: Bylaw 2022-01
The Rural Municipality of Eastern Kings – Bylaw #2022-01 “A Bylaw to Provide for a Code of Conduct for Members of Council”, adopted February 8, 2022 and official receipt of this bylaw by the Municipal Affairs Division dated February 25, 2022 has been filed in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, s.129.
Reserve Fund Bylaw Draft
Tax Rate Groups - Bylaw # 2024-01
Bylaw for Municipal Elections Proceedings
Remuneration Bylaw
The Eastern Kings Community Council Remuneration Bylaw was passed in 2013, prior to the Municipal Government Act and applies to the current Council.
rmek_a_bylaw_to_establish_grant_programs_no_2021-01_jul_13-2021_signed_and_filed.pdf |
mun_affairs_receipt_of_rmek_a_bylaw_to_manage_and_dispose_of_records_no_2021-02_nov_19_2021.pdf |
Development & Subdivision/
Consolidation Permits/Approvals – Services:
Development Officer (DO) John Ployer
Office Hours – Thursdays Only:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Municipal Office Hours:
The Council Office for the Municipality will be open with regular hours of:
9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Tuesdays & Thursdays & Fridays