Fly Control Program
Eastern Kings Municipal Fly Program
The Eastern Kings Municipal Fly Program’s mandate is to: control the mosquito and black fly populations while keeping the area protected from diseases often transmitted by these flies; keep the outdoor living areas as comfortable as possible for its local citizens, visitors, pets and animals; provide training and education for both the workers and citizens to help them control these biting flies around homes, in fields and woodland areas, in a safe and eco-friendly manner while providing this service in the safest and cost efficient way.
The Eastern Kings Municipal Fly Program started 28 years ago to combat the pestering from these annoying, sometimes dangerous flies. Before this program, during peak seasons, many people were forced to sprint from their cars to their homes because of swarming, aggressive, blood-sucking creatures. Some people were forced to seek medical help from reactions caused by bites they received from so many flies, even though outdoor exposure was no more than a few seconds. This ruined the spring and summer months for numerous locals and visitors of all ages and created health risks. Many people could not get out during the daylight hours to absorb sunshine which is needed to acquire the proper amounts of vitamin D for healthy living. This Fly Program has brought the majority of these local fly species under control, allowing much of the Eastern Kings area to become a more enjoyable and liveable outdoor space.
The work goes on, it requires continuous prevention techniques to keep these pests at bay and research to keep the battle with nature safe and balanced. This program can and is working but it requires the diligence of everyone to do their part to get the best results, to make the spring and summer months comfortable and safe for our children, visitors, pets, animals and ourselves.
How the Fly Program works:
The Eastern Kings Municipal Fly program is run through the Municipality as a community service program. It is designed to keep its citizens and visitors as free as possible from disease, harmful reactions and discomfort from these biting pests. Over the past 30 years, this program has developed into one of the most efficient in the province, balancing results with safety. The identification and understanding of these pests is essential because selecting and using the appropriate control measures is important to everyone’s health and the environment. At present, the Municipality has two, trained and experienced local citizens hired seasonally to assess the various ponds, streams and wetlands, and deliver the
Costs and why:
- Workers’ Wages: Two workers are presently employed as they must travel in two’s for saftey, possible accidents or coyote encounters. Coyotes and accidents are the main concern.
- 4-Wheeler maintenance/gas/storage: (Aids in traveling quickly to starting points in the woods, where ordinary vehicles can’t go, this allows the workers to use their walking time more efficiently along the ponds, marshes and streams)
- Equipment: (Skiff & trailer, maps. GPS, axes, chainsaw, winch, walkie-talkies etc…)
- Treatments and storage: (Purchase of VectoBac liquids, granules, Mosquito Less and flour
Research needed and why:
- More research is needed to control some species. (Unidentified mosquito species cannot be controlled without using dangerous chemicals; not used by the EKC F/P.)
- Global warming is a concern, as this can lead to more dangerous diseases moving north.
- Ongoing research to find better more efficient products to control these pests.
How you can help and make your outdoor living space safer, more comfortable:
It is important that each person helps in the control of these annoying, potentially dangerous biting insects by cleaning-up personal property and public places, even the smallest changes can make big differences in these insect populations.
Things that can help:
– Change the water in birdbaths daily
– Cover water barrels
– Check and empty any water that accumulates in: old tires, eaves troughs, holes in tree, buckets, children’s toys etc…
– Cover wading & swimming pools
This program strives to be environmentally sound and full-fill its mandate to protect all humans and nature.
For more information contact:
Eastern Kings Municipal Fly Program
Phone: 902-357-2894